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About Us

What does Embr stand for?

E - Environment M - Mind B - Body R - Resonance

Are you developing anything else? Is there a next version of the Wave?

We're always working on figuring out how to improve personalized thermal wellness. For more information on what Embr Labs is working on, follow us on Facebook or sign up for e-mail updates (at the bottom of this page!) to stay up to date on our plans

Is it true that Embr Wave was featured in TIME's Best Inventions of 2018?

Yes!. Check it out: http://time.com/collection/best-inventions-2018/5454864/embr-wave/

What job openings or career opportunities are available right now?

Live in the Boston area? Have a passion for improving human life & our planet?. We’re currently hiring! Check out our jobs page here.