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Can I disable or turn off warming or cooling entirely on my Wave 2? Can I set my Wave to Cooling Only or Warming Only?Updated 2 years ago

Yes, you can set your Wave to Cooling Only or Warming Only in the app! The way to do this is by using Session Presets.

  • To make your Wave 2 cooling only, assign cooling sessions to both the dotted button and blank button on your device. Learn how
    • Both buttons on your Wave will now start cooling sessions.
    • To use warming again, tap on your chosen warming session in the app.
  • To make your Wave 2 warming only, assign warming sessions to both the dotted button and blank button on your device. Learn how 
    • Both buttons on your Wave will now start warming sessions.
    • To use cooling again, tap on your chosen warming session in the app.

No matter what session presets you have assigned to your Wave's buttons, you can always use the buttons to adjust the temperature level up or down during a session.

  • The dotted button will make things cooler.
  • The blank button will make things warmer.

Adjusting the temperature level won't ever change a cooling session into a warming session—it will just make things more or less cold—and vice versa for warming.


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